Oh lord the irony of me of all people being requested to answer this questionu2026only got 37 IB points so yeah.BUT that doesnu2019t mean I donu2019t know what it takes to get a 45. So letu2019s get right to answering your question.There are three kinds of IB students who get 45u2019s. Iu2019ll list them for you so you know the difference:The Genuine Geniuses Who Have Normal Study SchedulesThereu2019s always one or two of these folks in a group of IB students. Hands down, these guys are geniuses. They can just absorb all the information being taught and regurgitate it for easy level 7u2019s.They make IB look easy. However, their study schedules are just as unorganized as most of us and they procrastinate the same amount.I knew quite a few of these kinds of students. They always took part in the procrastination banter and were accepted as one of the IB procrastinating peasants.Donu2019t get me wrong though, these guys are seriously smart and they work hard just like the rest of us. They practice and study probably juuuust a bit more than the rest but otherwise, their study schedules are pretty similar to the average joe in IB.So to recap. These folks are pretty sharp but their procrastination and time management is like the rest of us mortals. They just have the ability to retain information for longer and remember things taught to them.The Students With Tiger ParentsWonu2019t name anybody but I did know at least one of these types of kids. Straight up 45u2019s in every subject and seemed to be a genius as well.Only thing is, when you peel back the curtains, you can see what most donu2019t. In this case, the parents push the kid to study a lot. These are the types of students who are used to being told to study by their parents.These are the ones being pushed to go to the Ivy Leagues and Oxbridges of the world. They know how to party sure but when mom and dad say itu2019s time to hit the books, you better hit the damn books.Theyu2019re pretty much always studying and working at home. There may be a schedule to it but to be honest, if theyu2019re told to study every subject and get 7u2019s in each then itu2019s most likely just cramming, which I guess you could say is kind of scheduled.From personal experience, I met only one of these kinds of students. This individual was always scoring high and the second he didnu2019t, well letu2019s just say his mother wasnu2019t too happy.Iu2019ll leave it at that.The Students Who Do The u201cEasyu201d SubjectsI put easy in quotations because among the IB continuum, there are some subjects that most current and former IB students can agree are easier than the rest.Iu2019m talking about ESS, ITGS, Geography, Ab Initio languages, Maths Studies, you name it.Now to be fair to those taking these subjects, this is just the banter that IB students had. I donu2019t know how necessarily easy each of those subjects is but apparently they are.Needless to say that logic dictates a level 7 in these subjects isnu2019t too challenging to obtain. Some students do quite a lot of u201ceasyu201d subjects compared to the rest.However, the ones that do end up getting 45u2019s tend to be the more organized ones, regardless of subject choice. This is what Iu2019ve seen from experience.Finally, letu2019s move on to the last one:The Students Who Work Their Asses OffWithout a doubt, there are plenty of these types of students. If not 45u2019s, they still end up getting pretty high marks. There were PLENTY of these types of students in my school.We had a lot of 40+s in my school. Unfortunately I didnu2019t get to join that exclusive club but I know for a fact that the students who worked hard and managed their time well definitely deserved it more.Now, you could say that this applies to the above students. Not necessarily. To me, these are the average joeu2019s who wanted great grades and got there. I still know plenty of these students and theyu2019re applying exactly what they did in high school to university studies.These kinds of students are most likely the ones who at some point in IB got a huge slap in the face reality check and changed to a studying machine. Thatu2019s fine in all honesty. They deserve the 40+ if thatu2019s the case.Bottom line is, something changed for these folks where they upped their game. How you ask? Well letu2019s see:A level 45 student, aside from perhaps the u2018Genuine Geniusesu2025 and the u2018Students With Tiger Parentsu2019, will typically be very organized. Thatu2019s not to say the u2018Genuine Geniusesu2025 and u2018Students With Tiger Parentsu2025 arenu2019t organized.In the case of the u2018Students With Tiger Parentsu2019, their study schedule is one big list of study thatu2019s likely not able to be replicated by man or machine.The u2018Genuine Geniusesu2025 are wildcards. Depending on how they feel, itu2019s really up to them how much or hard they work for a 45. This is why I think theyu2019re typically quite unorganized.Now back to the schedule. It isnu2019t rocket science when it comes to getting a 45.Discipline, Time Management, a decent sleep schedule, and balance are extremely effective and you donu2019t need to be a genius to do all those.Hereu2019s how someone who got 45 points might organize their day.I am assuming school finishes at 4 and the student gets home by 4:45:4:45 pm - 5:00 pm? Rest5:00 pm - 6:00 pm? Math revision or past paper questions6:00 pm - 7:00 pm? English analyzing or practicing7:00 pm - 8:00 pm? Dinner + rest8:00 pm - 9:00 pm? Physics/Bio/Chem revision or past paper questions9:00 pm - 9:15 pm? Shower9:20 pm - 10:00 pm? Internal Assessment or other coursework10:00 pm - 10:45 pm? More coursework or study a subject of your choice/past paper studying10:45 pm - 11:00 pm? Rest and get ready for bed. This allows for the mind to slowly relax so youu2019re not left tossing and turning11:00 pm - 7:00 am? A nice 7 - 8 hour restNow, that all seems simple enough doesnu2019t it? Wrong. It takes time and discipline to even think about trying to follow a simple schedule like that.It also takes a lot of discipline to make a schedule. I made that schedule up off the top of my head and so since it was made up so quickly, I probably wouldnu2019t take it as seriously.Taking the time to plan out your week or month or day is something I believe students who get 45u2019s are extremely good at. Theyu2019re careful about how they plan and more importantly, they follow it.Getting a 45 really comes down to your work ethic. You have to work smart in IB. Thereu2019s a level of hard work that needs to be put in of course but being smart and working with limited time is how youu2019ll get high grades in the end.Thatu2019s all just my opinion though. Somebody who actually got a 45 will probably come along and correct me at some point in the next few months or years.